Deep-sea bioluminescence

The explorer of oceans Edith Anne Widder is a marine biologist specialist in bioluminescence, the light produced and emitted by living organisms. Ocean organisms use bioluminescence to communicate, to hunt, and event to camouflage.

Edith A. Widder describes undersea gardens as magical places. Her research enlightens us on the incredible ocean ecosystem and the big yet to know world. Widder reminds us that our home Earth is an ocean planet, and we should safeguard it.

In 2015 she founded the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA), which focusses “on reversing the trend of oceanic and near-shore marine ecosystem degradation" (teamorca.org). She leads the discovery and development of systems and tools to research the deep sea, for example, the ORCA’s Eye-in-the-Sea (EITS). This is a remotely operated deep-see camera. Among organisms recorded with the EITS we may mention the rare giant squid.

Public speaker, featured in documentaries, and author of ‘Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea’.

Written by: Enriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe.